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Human trafficking is dumb

I don’t like that human trafficking exists. And I don’t think I’m alone. Actually I’d go out to venture that everyone reading this would say, heck no, not in my community, human trafficking should not be! This is where the problem lies. It’s not an issue that we debate on. We can all agree that human trafficking is bad. But then what?

What do we do about this crime that is affecting the vulnerable around us? What tangible action steps can we take today to eradicate this issue?

I think this is where most of us struggle. I know I do. We are great about talking with our friends or sharing a post on Facebook about the problems of the world. Like I can blab all day long on a topic I am passionate about or an injustice I’ve noticed. My wife knows this all too well. But when it comes down to it, we oftentimes do not act. There is no action that accompanies the feelings of empathy or sense of justice in our hearts.

Sometimes this is not due to our own detriment! There is a lot of problems in the world. Our jobs, families, friends, houses, dogs demand our attention and rightfully so. We can not possibly go all out with each injustice, each infraction on humanity, each social mission that people are asking us to pay attention to.

This is why I created Calyan Wax Company—to give each of us a simple way to take action against an issue that tugs at our most intense emotions. A step that is small, but oh so powerful. A step that takes strategic action to rid our cities of trafficking. We ask you to…

Donate all your money to us. Haha I’m joking. We ask you to simply enjoy a candle. That’s right, we believe social change and compassion start small. It’s the everyday small actions to help those around us. We are one of those small actions.

How does me buying a candle make an impact against human trafficking?

We operate on a give-back model. Think Tom’s shoes. We utilize 5% of all revenue, as in money coming in the bank to fund strategic anti-trafficking operations going on here locally. We are currently partnered with Traffick911 based in Addison. We are helping fund their 24/7 response team that is servicing Tarrant and Dallas counties.

The team launched last June. So far they have served and are currently partnered with 80+ victims. That’s 80 people formerly in the world of trafficking now in a world where they are shown love, acceptance, and hope. How powerful that this can come from individuals simply choosing to enjoy a candle.

I want to encourage each of you to have compassion on those hurting around you and to not get overwhelmed by the gravity of each social issue, but rather decide to better the world around you with small everyday acts of compassion and kindness. Whether it be through a helping hand, a smile, a hug, or a socially conscious purchase.